Last night was date night, and what better place than Jazzbury's for a night out on the town? Funny enough, we ran into an American couple that we know, here for a big archaeological dig. We sat at a table just next to them, which allowed us to chat a little in between courses. (They invited us out to the nearby excavation site, too, which we're quite excited about!)
For dinner, Tobi got the lamb shank, and I ordered the beef fillet. And for desert, the Cape Brandy Pudding and Amarula Créme Brulée.
To switch gears, this weekend should be lots of fun. Not only are we invited to attend a Rugby party at Deoni's house, but we'll be joining some friends for brunch tomorrow in the teeny town of Albertinia, at the town's hotel/restaurant.
Because I hate posting a blog entry without photos, the photo you see above is a really cute one of Lukas watching "The Little Einsteins" (AKA "EI-TIE") with his bear and monkey friends yesterday morning.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend!
Liz & Co