Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hello from Germany

Well, it's official. We've arrived in Europe. The flight was surprisingly good. Tobi was able to upgrade me to Business Class and managed to convince the airlines to let him fly with us, on Lufthansa (rather than on the South African Airways flight that departed at the same time,), and Lukas slept for most of the flight. For that I'm most appreciative!

But all of the stress of the move seems to have affected my immune system, resulting in me (and the baby) coming down with a yucky case of influenza. My whole body's sore, and Lukas woke up last night rubbing his eyes, and saying, "Owa, Owa". Poor little guy.

Tobi's ecstatic to be "home", though (although we don't actually have a home - we're staying with his parents), and is spending the week up in Bamberg (just 30 minutes away... how weird is that), at a departmental seminar.

The current weather in Germany is less than ideal, and although it's still summer, the temperatures and rainfall are similar to what we had in South Africa last week. At least we don't have to adjust to the climate!

Lukas is thrilled to have Oma & Opa around, and as always, they've been very helpful with him (which is nice, considering the time I've been spending in bed - as a result of this flu).

Other than that, not a whole lot new. We hope to make it to the Nuremberg Zoo this week, if the weather improves and I start to feel better. Next weekend meet up with some friends from Australia in Prague, which we're really looking forward to!

In any case, I'll be sure to keep you posted on our crazy lives.

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