Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Afternoon in Goes

Goes is without a doubt one of Zeeland's most picturesque cities, and taking a lazy Sunday stroll around town allows you to see it's true beauty, without the crowds, and without any distractions (as all of the shops are closed).

What I like best about the city is it's grand old church, complete with a bell tower which plays the sweetest, stop-you-in-your-tracks, melodies around the clock.

After our stroll we stopped at the Grand Café Raymondo, a popular café at the water's edge, to escape from the cold and enjoy some hot French Onion soup. With a fire lit just next to our table, we were able to enjoy the serene pond-side setting - without ear warmers and fur coats. :-)

Switching gears, I've updated Lukas' Blog, since (as you know) I generally try to keep things separate. After all, there's nothing worse than a blog that's constantly changing its focus!

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