Thursday, May 28, 2009

Railway to the Past

All aboard!
The "Railway to the Past" - a nostalgic 3-day event hosted by the "Stoomtrein Goes-Borsele" - was held in the city of Goes last weekend, and I've been dying to tell you all about it.
We were joined by friends and their children, and it was both fun and educational, for kids and adults alike. Every detail was tended to - from the broadcasted 40s-era music, such as the much loved "Sentimental Journey", and steam-train to the harbor town of Hoedekenskerke, to the men dressed in newsboy caps and knickerbockers alongside their antique motorcycles and old flat-bed farm trucks, tours of the train's locomotive, and rides on the passenger-powered handcar. To say that I was in my element in an understatement.
So, if you have children and are considering a trip to Zeeland (which, by the way, is a fantastic vacation destination for families), I highly recommend that you plan it to coincide with this annual event. This year it was held on May 21-24, and - as for me and the kids - we certainly hope to be back next year for more.

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