Sunday, December 09, 2007

Another Lazy Saturday in Zeeland

Yesterday we took it easy. I did some writing, while Tobi slept in, and Lukas watched the Canadian children's cartoon Calliou (on our German DVD). Other major accomplishments included grocery shopping, getting some gas for the car, and (finally) taking it to the car wash (life in the Zeeland countryside means an abundance of narrow, mud-strewn streets and an eternally dirty car). Then we baked some lasagna for a "WIGZ" Christmas party, dropped Lukas off with the baby sitter, and attended the get-together, which was held at a member's house in the trendy Goes neighborhood of Westsingel (which is, incidentally, quite stunning with its canvas-worthy river-like pond, neatly framed by dozens of historic Dutch row-houses).

The WIGZ group is a super interesting group of people.... women from Great Britain, Tanzania, Germany, Poland, The United States, etc (and their spouses, many of whom are Dutch). And since everyone brought their own dish, there was an incredible variety of food, from all corners of the world, made even better by good Christmas music and lots of great conversation. Unfortunately for me, my stomach wasn't agreeing with me, meaning that I wasn't able to try much more than the freshly baked bread (which was also quite tasty). Just my luck...

Today we plan on visiting a local bee farm, then Antwerp. Since I've never been to the Antwerp city center, and it's supposedly incredible at this time of the year, I'm really looking forward to it! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend, wherever you might be...

1 comment:

Jen said...

The Antwerp city center is beautiful; seriously, it is one of the main places that is burned in my brain-it was serene and breathtaking.
I am leaving for NYC in a couple days for a week of research. perhaps we can chat upon my return? Enjoy your adventures!